Yesterday my little girl turned 3! It is so incredible to me that I have had her for three years. In some ways it seems like she was just born, and in other ways it seems like I've had her forever--I can hardly remember what life was like before she came into my life.
T and I watched the video of her birth yesterday (it's from a G-rated angle). It makes me emotional every time I see it, and not because I am forced to recall the pain of labor! T loved seeing herself come into the world. She would point at the vernix on her back and say "Yuckies on baby T!" She wanted to watch the video of her birth (and every other video I've taken of her since) again and again. Yesterday was basically a "Tribute to T Day," which T enjoyed immensely. She even insisted on putting candles in every food she ate and had to have the candles lit at least three times so that she could perfect her candle blowing skills. By the time we have her party this Saturday, she'll be a candle blowing pro! :)
Watching the videos of T's birth and babyhood made me realize a couple of things. First, I am so blessed to have my sweet little T. She is such a gift and a joy and I treasure my every moment with her. And second, I am so stinking baby hungry! I am even craving the labor experience again! Wherever my future husband is, he had better get a move on biological clock has morphed into a time bomb and I'm about to burst with baby need!
This is one of those enduring experiences that I am having a rather difficult time being patient with. There's a pretty limited time frame we're working with here and I'd like to take advantage of my baby making abilities while they're still ripe for the taking (pardon the pun). It is so very frustrating to know that I was truly created to be a wife and a mother and yet living the fulness of that calling is currently denied me. Although I have received blessings wherein I have been told that I will be a wife and mother to many children while yet on this earth, I can't help but be discouraged at my advancing age (don't scoff at my slight exaggeration) and lack of prospective ECs.
I am also so desirous for T to have the daddy she prays for each night. My little princess knows that she is missing something and it just breaks my heart as she becomes more cognitive and aware of the fact that other kids have daddies and she doesn't. Even more than for my own sake, I want a husband who will love my sweet little T and who will treasure the love she is so anxious to give to her own daddy.
As T blows out her three candles (now that she is a candle blowing expert) on Saturday, I hope the birthday fairies hear our wish and bring T a wouldn't hurt if he ends up being devastatingly handsome, either :)
You deserve a wonderful, amazing and extremely handsome guy! I hope he comes along soon! :0)